Senin, 06 Januari 2020

Rtc Carnival

It is rare to have a carnival in Perak, especially Gopeng. Staying at home everyday is kind of bored. So, I went to this carnival to have a walk - the RTC canival in Gopeng.

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival

When we talked about carnival, sometimes,' pasar malam with lots of food stalls' kind of image appears in our mind. No, you are wrong. This carnival was totally different!! Lot of treasure to expose!!!

This was really surprise me, the carnival was really huge!! If you have time, you can spend up to whole day in the carnival!! Why this kind of carnival was rarely organised?????

Of course, a carnival was expected with lots of.. booths.
 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Booth related to all kinds of agriculture sector in Malaysia. If you interested to plant something or even do some business related to agriculture, here is the right place for you!!!

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Local fruits also support 1 Malaysia?

Except for plantation, you can see animals.....

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
greedy goat loves green leaves

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Yeah, goat.

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Goat again, Nomb nomb nomb......I recalled the days in New Zealand with lot of fury sheeps here and there.

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Found this super fat + huge cow.

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Never look down on it. It was a beauty queen. Champion for beauty cow! Crazy right? Nowadays even cow went for beauty pageant competition. This indicates the importance of appearance. You might found my hand gesture was weird because I touched the cow and it SHAKED its body..... scary

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Of course, Food stalls was never left out in carnival.

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Yes, here comes flowers and plants.

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Orchid la!

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
Flowers flowers. You can get whatever plants you want here. Of course, include the fruit plant.

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
I like this

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
This is the session that I like most.

 Staying at home everyday is kind of bored RTC Carnival
*pang pang pang*, take out your valuable! Don't suspect, this is real gun!!!!!!!!!!

There were too much over there with too little of time. This is what I can captured with my hurry visit.

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