Senin, 06 Januari 2020

Pupu Spring

This Spring is claimed as world clearest spring water! Opps, it should be second clearest spring water because only spring water at Antarctica can claimed as world clearest spring water. That was what the staff at i site told me.

This Spring is claimed as world clearest spring water Pupu Spring
Pupu spring, or full name Te Waikoropupu Springs is located at Golden Bay. So when you are at the north part of South Island, you must visit this place.

This Spring is claimed as world clearest spring water Pupu Spring
Second clearest spring water!!! How to find such a clear spring water???

That early morning was having a heavy downpour, I think if without the rain, the spring water should be even clearer.

Although the water looks clear, but never drink the water!!!!! Why? Due to the complicated geographical factor which I lazy to explain  the water is mixed with sea water, therefore the water is not edible!!!!

They even set up a special mirror to let the tourists to have a look on the underwater!! ^^ I like the idea so much. How creative are them.

Again, we squeezed ourselves in to proof we had been here Cheers

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